Donate to help the children

Provide for the Children Today!

You are making a donation to Bridges to Learning and for this we are very thankful.  If you intended to sponsor a child or renew a sponsorship please go back to "Sponsor a Child".

If you are contributing to support special opportunities, such as the Digital Media Club, please designate the "Enrichment Activities" Fund. To support the on-going education of the children, please select "The Hope Fund". 



Would you like to contribute in honor of, or in memory, or someone? If so, please complete this section. Include the name and contact information of who we should the acknowledgement to as well. 


Double or Triple your gift? Many employers match employees gifts. Sometimes, they match gifts for employee spouses and retirees! If so, please submit your donation information to them so the impact of your generous contribution is multiplied. If you need any additional information or documentation, please contact us at 

Thank you for your generosity!

Bridges to Learning, Inc. is a 501(c)3 organization. No goods or services were received for donations or sponsorship through the B2L website, unless specifically noted as part of an event or fundraiser. Your donation (sponsorship) is tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.